Stories by Driver

Falling Off a Log

The Quarry

Quarry Tales

Sudden Storm

Jack In The Box

Plan A

Plan B

Plan C

Plan D

A Horse Named Phil

A Summer Story

Anything We Want-Paul

Mud Season

The Third Good Thing

* New Chapter * Dog Days

Driver has changed his email address. If you're looking to email him, please contact him at his new address

Last Update: 28-DEC-2024

Short Stories


This site is maintained by crvboy.

NOTE:This is a website hosting the stories of the Internet author named Driver. The owners feel that these stories are worth preserving, and that some people may find value in them. The site owners assume all responsibility for the presence of these tales on the Internet. The stories depict the lives of teenagers, some of whom are gay. There are descriptions of some painful situations, and also of the explorations of life that all teenagers experience, including sexual situations. If this is not for you, then go and enjoy another website.

ALL Material contained on this website is © Copyright 2003-2024. Nothing may be copied, transfered, altered or reprinted without the express written consent of the owners.